Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Groovin the Moo

Groovin the Moo 

Author: Maab C

Image result for groovin the moo
As festival season is soon arriving in the Aussie wonderland, let's talk about a festival exclusive to the land down under. Groovin the Moo (GTM) is an annual festival held in all six of our states. Although summer is the best time to fest it up, Groovin is hosted during our lovely Autumn season in May. 

GTM's history only goes back 13 years, into the depths of Gloucester NSW with 1800 people actually turning up. As of 7 years ago, was GTM's most prominent festival as it featured a headlining Australian act - Hilltop Hoods, and International act performed by the Black Keys. Spilt Milk may have been a big deal for Canberra, but Groovin even brought Vince Staples to the territory. 
Image result for Cow face
What does groovin the moo even mean though? Groovin obviously means to get your jiggy on and boogie your heart out and moo is often mistaken in context for a cow, but in fact, it's an abbreviation for a cow paddock. Groovin is mostly held in regional/rural footy fields, show grounds or other sports fields in regional Australia. Hence, that's how the name came about as people Groove on the Moo. 

Groovin has also been one of the first festivals in Australia to feature a pill testing tent. In fact, it was rather successful in the ACT this year. Essentially, a tent is put up with professionals who test your pills to see the content inside of the pills that festival goers have purchased.  Groovin also is going green! Groovin sold reusable water bottles to refill at stations throughout the festival to not only encourage environmental sustainability but the safe consumption of drugs. 

So get keen for next year to have a groove on the Moo. 
Later Gators xx

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