Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Netsky situation - (BONUS JOYRYDE news)

Author: Ryan Dragostinov

Good evening fellas,

For the last week we've had heaps depressing weather... I think I have finally found out why. 

Netsky just released a new single and to say it was disappointing would be an understatement to be honest... Talk about pathetic fallacy.

This news comes straight after his previous release which wasn't terrible, it was just further from his usual. Now don't get me wrong, it's great when artists explore new genres and try something new, but Netsky seems to be straying further from what made him famous (and what his fans loved - drum and bass) and into more popular EDM, following the likes of David Guetta.

I can't help but feel it's a career move motivated more by the prospect of growing his DJ profile, since drum and bass isn't nearly as popular as EDM, which would allow him to play at more festivals and get paid more doing so.

I'm not hating on the man, just a bit sad that we probably wont witness his old school drum and bass glory days again. ;(


If you're an OG fan, you might remember and earlier post I made about JOYRYDE's cryptic announcement on Facebook, and I predicted that he would be releasing new music and possibly an album.

I was right.

The man himself posted this image to Facebook a few days ago:

"First this.. then my album ‘brave’
November 30 .."

Building upon the previous image he posted, we can now confirm that a Skrillex collaboration is coming first on October 19th, possibly as a single, then he is releasing his album 'Brave' on November 30.

One word: Huge.

Spotify - Netsky

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