Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"The Whitehouse Dropout" - Kanye West ft. Donald Trump

Author: Jakob Viertel
References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanye_West

"The Whitehouse Dropout" - Kanye West ft. Donald Trump

Ask any devout follower of the big man, and they'll tell you that his greatest talent is rapping or production. While I can't really disagree with the sentiment of him being an excellent artist (because he is), i'd argue that Kanye West's greatest asset always has been, and always will be, his ability to make front page news worldwide as easily as he can snap his fingers. Kanye (Ye, Yeezy, Yeezus, The Louis Vuitton Don etc etc) has struggled for over 10 years to outdo himself musically for an album that can go toe-to-toe with his 'College Dropout' album trilogy, which these days is essentially the hip-hop equivalent of Greek mythology. What he did manage to outdo this week is his controversial status in the media, in a way that only Kanye could, by meeting up his soulmate of a politician, the USA's Commander-In-Chief: Mr Donald J Trump.

Following years of tweets (with a brief hiatus), rivalled by almost none in their boldness and quotability, some of my personal favourites being: "you may be talented, but you're not kanye west", "mcdonalds is my favourite brand" and "I went to twitter to look at your cool pants. You have distracted from my creative process.", Ye managed to garner the attention of the President over twitter earlier this year at the height of his (kind of) Conservative political epiphany. Over a decade ago, the two couldn't seem more different. One was an up and coming rapper who had recorded his first hit song 'Through the Wire' with a broken jaw, and was perfectly comfortable with announcing on national television that their sitting president "hated black people". The other was a multi-billionaire property developer who was struggling maintain the empire he had inherited from his father, but was really only known at the time for being a multi-billionaire property developer. I don't think I need to tell you which was which. These days however, one need only spend a few minutes watching the news to see how they're almost the same person. West and Trump both share a humongous ego, a need for constant attention, and an intense passion for using Twitter as a personal diary that they want everyone to read. It now seems that this crossover to end all crossovers was bound by fate and Murphy's law to happen, it was only a matter of time and quality of tweets that would determine when. It was Yeezy's latest declaration "Trump is Dragon Energy" that finally tipped the scales.

Several twitter exchanges, rough news-cycles and albums later, Mr Trump finally invited Mr West to the oval office for a discussion/media appearance this week. It was here that the Louis Vuitton Don was finally able to outdo himself in something with a longwinded rant on prison terms and male energy that saw him transcending his status as "obnoxiously loud rapper on the news" and becoming the "obnoxiously loud rapper in the white house on the news".

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